Top 12 best 3D software for beginners

This great article from 3dnatives covers the top 12 best 3D software for beginners. We often discuss 3D scanning on this website and often overlook that sometimes you may need to clean up your results. Fear not, as comes to our rescue with their (very well done!) top 12 of easy to use 3D…

3DF Zephyr Pro Review

Dr Peter Falkingham, a Lecturer in Vertebrate Biology at Liverpool John Moores University,  has published a very interesting review about the photogrammetry software 3DF Zephyr Pro. I really liked using 3DFZephyr – it’s easy to use, the interface is nice, it’s pretty quick, contains a bunch of useful tools, and development is going in a great direction….

Artec Space Spider 3D Scanner Review

From YouTube user “Holocreators GmbH” we learn today about the Artec Space Spider 3D: a portable 3D scanner for parts between 5cm -30cm. You can see the review below, directly from the official YouTube channel: